Two students created this video about sharks
Ed Piva, a teacher from Linwood Public School was inspired by attending an “unlearn. Critical Thinking and Social Justice Learning Series.” Mr. Piva was so moved by unlearn’s message he decided to inspire and challenge his students.
Mr. Piva challenged his grade 8 students to create media which communicates a message in order to provoke thought. This project was student driven and in line with the school boards BIPSA (Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement) initiative. The students were empowered by their ability to choose their own topic, think critically and share their knowledge in order to engage others.
Two students created this video about sharks.
That was disturbing, haunting, and thought-provoking.
The shark project is a well-choosen project. Although I am not fun of watching blood, I understand that this simulation, really motivated students to discover what they wanted. They went from the unlearned to the learned throughout the investigation.
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