Success Stories

“unlearn. provides EVERY ONE an entry point wherever they are in discovering their own bias, their own prejudice, and creating a school community focused on equity and human rights."
- Merrill Mathews, Former Principal, Irma Coulson Public School, HDSB

"We’ve used the unlearn poster packs and apparel at every elementary and secondary school in our district to spark inquiry and raise critical consciousness among educators and learners. The unlearn approach encourages ongoing critical thought and allows participants a way in to adopting an equity lens that works for any stage of readiness and prior understanding. I would strongly recommend unlearn to any educator in a K-12, post-secondary or adult learning context."
– Denise Cole, Equity and Inclusion IRT, SCDSB

"unlearn. images promote critical thinking, prompt deep, meaningful, focused discussion, help to build a supportive, accepting community and create a forum for making important thinking visible. With no “wrong answers” there are no barriers to inhibit participation. Because each person has a unique perspective and life experience, unlearn images are universally relevant."
– Susan Fowler, Grade 8 Teacher, WRDSB

"I use the unlearn posters as rich tools to approach challenging topics. Students gain confidence as critical thinkers as everyone is able to enter the conversation, making comments and connections to the content in the poster designs. I will continue to use unlearn posters to promote critical thinking and encourage my students to see the world through multiple lenses and perspectives."
– Shannon Morgan, Grade 2 Teacher, Irma Coulson Public School, HDSB

"The first time I participated in an unlearn workshop I knew that this incredible resource needed to be in schools. The posters truly provoke critical thinking about important social issues - for adults and students alike. When participants share their ideas, incredibly rich conversation emerges – about bias, race, gender, body image, assumptions, oppression, power, how to make social change, etc. In hearing others’ interpretations, the complexities of all of these issues are brought to light. Importantly, this experience provides insight into one’s own bias. The unlearn experience connects to the anti-discrimination statements in the front matter of the curriculum documents, and it is also a stepping stone for critical thinking, student voice projects, developing inquiry questions, and taking action. Having an ESL/ELD teaching background, I especially appreciate that even our beginning English language learners have an entry point, as they are able to contribute their thoughts about the posters using their first language, pictures, diagrams or single words. The teachers who have been trained in unlearn. have been using the posters:"

• for critical thinking activities
• to develop inquiry questions
• to teach visual literacy and design
• to teach point of view (each poster can have several meanings)
• to teach omission (what/who is not represented)
• to connect to Media Literacy
• to connect to the OHRC
• to create a culture of sharing ideas without being “wrong”
• as writing prompts
• to have students think about their own biases
– Stacy Turner, Consultant: Equity and Inclusive Education, Curriculum Support Services, DSBN