unlearn is a powerful tool which challenges individuals to think critically about their unconscious assumptions.
Professional Development & Training Programs
Schools: We challenge educators, students and support staff to think critically about their own unconscious biases and examine how they can be reinforced by the media, their experiences and their relationships.
Workplace: An organization is only as good as its culture—and building that culture is not only a role for HR, it’s every manager's and employee’s responsibility.Ensuring equity is essential for improving staff mental health and well-being.
unlearn.’s Workplace Equity Programs support organizations which are focused on cultivating cultures that embrace equity, inclusion and diversity.
Our interactive education programs and consulting services are designed to create a dialogue around discrimination, stereotypes and other important social issues. unlearn. workshops help participants explore their unconscious biases and examine how they can be reinforced by the media, their experiences and their relationships.
Our aim is to educate participants and encourage them to develop an equity lens by eliminating stereotypes and challenging societal norms that marginalize others.